St. Mel’s
Cathedral Choir, under the direction of organist Fintan
Farrelly, sing at 11.30am Mass every Sunday. The choir
rehearses on Thursday evenings at 8.30pm in the choir
room at the rear of the Cathedral, with extra rehearsals
scheduled in preparation for major events. The choir
has a varied repertoire, combing the works of some of
the greatest composers: Bach, Mozart and Haydn, along
with more contemporary composers like John Rutter. Members
have also performed in Gregorian Chant and Irish and
the choir has soprano, alto, tenor and base amongst
its ranks. The choir is always looking for new members
and would welcome anyone that would be interested in
joining with them to sing at St. Mel’s Cathedral.
Many great choirmasters and organists have
directed Longford Cathedral Choir, including David Tracey,
Terry Sheridan, Fr. Tommy Devine, Rene Segers, Herr
Hiermar, Herr Oberhoff, Alphonsus Hann, John O’Keeffe,
Jay Walsh and Fintan Farrelly who is the current choirmaster.