St. Christopher’s
Leamore Park
Battery Road
Co. Longford
Office: 043 3341769
Fax: 043 3346429
Website: www.stchristophers.ie
St. Christopher’s
was founded by Parents and Friends in 1964 to provide
a service for persons with an intellectual disability,
thus enabling them to reach their full potential. The
service started with five children. There are now 175
attending the services ranging in age from 3 years to
70 years. The uniqueness of every person with special
needs is recognised and St. Christopher’s strives
to provide the highest possible standard of care for
all those availing of their services.
a) Pre-School Holly Green, Clonbalt, Longford
b) Special School Battery Road, Longford
c) Class for children with Autism Spectrum Battery Road,
a) Activation Unit, St. Christopher’s, Battery
Road / 3 Oak Grove, Clonbalt Woods, Longford
b) Resource Centre, Ballymahon
c) Carpentry and Woodwork
d) Industrial Knitting
e) Industrial Sewing
f) Rehab. Training Programme
g) Vocational Training Programme – Job Club
h) Mobile Contract Cleaning Unit
i) Work Experience Programme in the Community
j) Outreach Programme in the Community
k) Sonas Programme for the elderly
Community Residences situated at -
Laragh House, Abbeylara, Co. Longford
Parkside, Ballymahon. Co. Longford
No. 3, Hazel Grove, Clonbalt Woods, Longford
No. 5, Hazel Grove, Clonbalt Woods, Longford
1. Adult Respite, Newtownforbes
2. Children Respite – 4 / 5, Oaklands Grove, Longford
Services also include Individual Programmes and Group
Activities such as:
Swimming, P.E., Art, Drama, Music, Outings and use of
community amenities, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy,
Occupational Therapy, and Psychological services.
The voluntary
ethos of St. Christopher’s and its Association
is of crucial importance. The organisation’s management
and executive committee depend on the voluntary input.
St. Christopher’s has 7 affiliated branches throughout
the county. These branches are doing excellent work
in raising awareness of disability issues and very vital
fundraising in their areas. Their commitment is to be
greatly acknowledged. The branches are appealing for
new members, as numbers have greatly diminished during
the last few years.
Longford Town
Branch hold their meetings on a by-monthly basis in
St. Christopher’s and would welcome new members.
Contact No.: 043 3345698.