The Active Retirement
Group a very friendly group and would welcome all new
members including men and women. They meet on every
second Wednesday at the Family Centre at 3.00pm.
Activities are
many and varied: outings to places of historical, cultural
and theatrical interest are all catered for as well
as holidays, with even a few visits to the races and
the dogs. There have been several courses on cooking,
aqua aerobics, computers, art classes and bridge. Over
the years there have been a wide variety of speakers
on many topics such as music, drama, health & safety,
journalists, photography, history and gardening at the
fortnightly meetings.
Longford Active Retirement Group was started
by a few ladies, namely: Maeve Cullen, Greta Donlon
and Peg O’Halloran, who met to discuss forming
a social club for retired people. They could see a need
for such a venture. A venue was found at the Family
Centre and in September 1999 the first meeting of the
Longford Active Retirement Group was started with a
small group of interested ladies. From there the Group
has gone from strength to strength and today, ten years
after its foundation, there are up to sixty members.