The weekly meeting
takes place every Monday at 8.00pm in St. Joseph’s
Hospital with a time of prayer and song that includes
the Rosary, songs of praise, Bible reading, reflection
on the reading, thanksgivings and petitions. The monthly
Mass is celebrated on the first Monday of each month
at 8.00pm in the Chapel at St. Joseph’s Hospital
with Spiritual Director: Fr. Padraig Kelliher.
On occasions
guest speakers are invited to the meetings. The group
had a day’s retreat led by Fr Padraig in October
2009 at Gallilee House outside Boyle. And each summer
a number of members visit Medjugorje on pilgrimage.
Donations from the collection box go to charities such
as Fr. Peter McVerry, Chernobyl, Africa, Our Lady’s
Hospital Crumlin for example.
The Prayer Group was founded about 33 years ago by Sr.
Thecla Tracey and some of the first members were Tony
Hopkins, Liam Belton and Maureen Brewster. There is
a ‘Life in the Spirit’ Seminar every few
years and it is a wonderful way to come into a deeper
personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.